Earning money by creating and managing a Discord server is not a dream. Learn how to monetize your Discord servers with bots, integrations, and your loyal audiences. Fundamentals of Discord monetizing tutorial will teach you how to earn real money by Discord.
Discord, which has become one of the indispensables of today's game world, has been able to stand out from its competitors both with the text chat it offers to the players and by offering this service completely free of charge.
With its rapidly developing ecosystem, and players; With the innovation and ease of work it brought, it quickly managed to become indispensable for developers, producers, and artists. In this entire ecosystem, ordinary users made various attempts to get their share of the pie.
Although the players have not experienced it closely, their attempts to get a share of this cake, which they have encountered, have remained a dream for them until now, both because the necessary trust cannot be established and they cannot make a certain choice.
Target Your Audience
If you are producing a product and you expect someone to consume it, you must first determine who this audience consists of. The reflection of this requirement in your Discord initiatives will undoubtedly be built on user ages and activity levels.
The determination of age groups plays a key role in the existence and level of purchasing power and in the point of encouragement. For example; If the average age of server members is 13 or less, it's difficult for them to become your leads as they can purchase with parental consent. However, the group above this age group can pay with both prepaid cards and credit/debit cards.
You can detect the age group range of your users using the Simple Poll bot, which will take a few minutes to setup.
Another important factor after age groups is the activity level of your server. If you have chat channels, you can stop reading the article here. If not, make sure the ratio of average daily active users to total members is at least 1/17. An interesting ratio, isn't it? :-)
User Habits
Of course, it is difficult to determine the consumption habits of your members if you are not TÜİK. However, if you can determine where and why these users reach you, your job is quite easy.
Learning whether it comes from your YouTube channel or website, that is, whether you are a regular follower or a regular member, is a great opportunity to draw your roadmap in your mind before you even start working.
Ask each new member who joins your server, "Where did you find us?" I don't expect you to ask, don't do it anyway. You can set up a text channel and have them react to your message based on the reference you set.
Define a Niche
You've found who to sell to, congratulations, so what are you going to sell? You probably won't be able to benefit from this colorful role frenzy on absurd servers! I thought so, too.
Your audience is valuable to you. Keeping their curiosity alive and keeping them interested should be the biggest inspiration for what you can sell and how you can make money.
Inspirational Business Ideas
You are a streamer and do not want to incur any commission on subscription payments to Twitch. Add a "Subscriber" role to your Discord roles and start selling right away. Create private giveaways, broadcasts, and chat channels that only users with this role can participate in.
You own a website and want to present your exclusive news to a specific audience only. You can sell roles with special phrases such as "... premium" or "... plus" on your server and share news texts directly from Discord.
You are a developer or an artist and you want to develop your work with funding. You can bring your early access versions or special drawings together with your members with the "Donor" role.
You have a Discord bot and you want to sell packages with high-end features. You can assign a specific role to each member who makes a purchase.
Apart from these, it is possible to sell some products such as digital content, giveaways, and extra behind-the-scenes footage in this way.
Discord Integrations for Monetizing
You've decided or planned everything and now it's time for how to collect fees from your members. If you are doing one of the inspiring works and you use Discord, you are very, very likely to be aware of bots. Real Discord bots...
If you want to make money with Discord in full automation, here are the sites and bots you should use:
Donate Bot
Upgrade Chat
Let's talk about the working principles of these websites and bots and how to use them.
Patreon is a globally popular website for creators of all kinds. Whether you're a publisher, a developer, a singer, a journalist... it's free to use.
Once you have prepared various levels, you can make them available for your users to purchase on a monthly or one-time basis. Each time a purchase is made, if you have connected your Discord account, a role you specify will be integrated into the Discord server. At the same time, people who make purchases on the Patreon site will be displayed with the Patron phrase.
All role assignment processes are performed automatically.
You can earn money with foreign currency.
It is an application used worldwide.
It works with a low commission rate.
You can collect all the statistics of your bosses.
It can be used as a small social media.
You can organize various campaigns.
You can only receive payments with your Payoneer and PayPal accounts (minus sides for a user living in Turkey).
There is no support in Turkish on the site.
Donate Bot
Donate Bot is the official product of Medal.tv, a website where you can share game clips.
You can set monthly or one-time payments for the roles listed on your server.
You can be set up in a few minutes.
On the Discord support server, you can get help from developers and other staff.
You can take advantage of developer tools.
You can assign payment notifications directly to your Discord server.
PayPal is the only way to get paid.
We don't know how much you like PayPal commissions.
Upgrade Chat
If you want to protect your Discord content safely, UPGRADE CHAT is for you.
The approved money transfer partner of this system, which seems to be unreliable without any references, is the globally recognized Stripe.
You can find tips on how to use it in the images above.
The article will continue to be updated, stay tuned.