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How to Use Pro Bot's Music Commands?

Writer's picture: BizimuhitBizimuhit

Updated: Jun 2, 2024

Learn how to use Discord Pro Bot's music commands today. Pro Bot is one of the best Discord server management bots and its good reputation among others comes from its music-playing features. Why Pro Bot Music features are preferred when there are tens of others there?

Learn how to use Discord Pro Bot's music commands today. Pro Bot is one of the best Discord server management bots and its good reputation among others come from its music playing features. Why Pro Bot Music features are preferred while there are tens of others there?

How to Use Pro Bot's Music Features?

Using Pro Bot for its music features is similar to what you have to do for other bots.

Setup Discord Server

In order to let your server members use the music bot commands, they need a separate channel for only bot commands.

  1. Go to your server,

  2. Hover over a category name with a mouse. There will appear a plus icon on the right side of the category name,

  3. Click on the text channel option,

  4. Name your text channel,

  5. Your "bot-commands" channel is ready.

Now, you need to set up Pro Bot from its panel.

Setup Pro Bot

You need to get connected to your Discord server and Pro Bot with authorized login. Login to your Pro Bot server panel from your browser with your Discord account.

  1. Go to ,

  2. Login to Probot with your Discord account,

  3. Select the server you want the bot is set up,

  4. Go to left side panel, find music module and enable it,

  5. Choose which roles are permitted to play, stop, skip and other permissions for Pro Bot music commands.

You need to get connected your Discord server and Pro Bot with authorized login. Login to your Pro Bot server panel from your browser with your Discord account.

Pro Bot Music Commands List

Pro Bot has an easy-to-remember command list for the music module. Here is a list of all commands at a place. These commands were invoked by different prefixes previously but now it all works under Discord's own "slash" command system.




Add a song to the queue and the bot plays it.


Searches for results to play.


Display the queue of the current tracks in the playlist.


Stop the current song and clears the entire music queue.


Changes/Shows the current volume.


Pauses the currently playing track.


Resumes the currently paused track.


Shows the song that the bot is currently playing


Skip the current song.


Toggles the repeat mode.


​Shuffle the current queue!


Seeks to a certain point in the current track.


Toggles the 24/7 mode. This prevents the bot from leaving the voice channel until you stop it.

These commands have inherited features like disabling the usage on only the selected channels and by roles. You can enable which features can be used where and who.

These commands have inherited features like disabling the usage on only the selected channels and by roles. You can enable which features can be used where and who.

For example, click on the first dropdown to select the channels where /play command to be used in or the second dropdown to select the roles which /play command to be used by. There are also other options you can play on this dashboard for each command.

How to Use Pro Bot Music Commands

You cannot directly start listening music by Pro Bot in your server.

  1. First of all, join a voice channel,

  2. Then, go to the channel that you have setup for command typing,

  3. Then type this : /play <Track Name> . When you start typing /play, there will appear a black box on the screen, and you will write down the track name on that black colored box.

  4. Then, Pro Bot will join the voice channel immediately.

Here is we animated the case just for you.

Hope you can find this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, please ask on our forum or join our Discord.

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